
Our Story At kinfill, we believe great care products don't have to come at Earth's expense.

When founder Reda Jouahri started kinfill, he challenged the cleaning industry by taking the lead in reducing the footprint of an entire industry. He eliminated the use of single-use plastic and unnecessary water transportation, by developing a collection of refillable, 100% biodegradable cleaning products, made to blend at home with tap water. The iconic glass Forever Bottle is designed with the idea to be put on top of your countertop, not underneath. As a trophy of clean habits.

This journey lead to kinfill becoming an international care brand, with a collection of vegan, cruelty-free care products for you, your family and your home. Every product we create, is meant to make clean living beautiful, effortless and inspiring.

Together we can make an impact. Let's get cleaner, together.